Open Systems, Open Threats

In this API Security Series, we will review how to use these interfaces, exploit them, and prevent an organization’s name from appearing on the news.

Visibility Matters

Why has visibility become so difficult? Where do you start to build your strategy? We’ll also discuss IoT devices, ASM, and CSPM.

Direct Attach Cable

Nexum’s expert engineers define popular topics, such as Direct Attach Cable (DAC), in our Acronym Series.

Advanced Persistent Threat

In our Acronym Series, Nexum’s expert engineers define the industry’s most popular topics, like Advanced Persistent Threat (APT).

Nexum at Red Hat Summit

Nexum’s Peter Scudamore and George Grzyb talk about workshops introducing automation to network engineers and other tools that will help mitigate some of those after-hours calls at Red Hat Summit.

A Business Case for Being a Good Leader

Cybersecurity professionals are facing high rates of burnout. Many feel overworked and undervalued. In this Strategy Series post, Ron Temske makes the case for being a good leader.

SNOCC Quarterly Threat Update Q2 2023

Each quarter, the managed security team at Nexum shares insights from our first*defense SNOCC. In this post, we discuss detection challenges and the importance of context.

Let’s Play a Game

In the final post of our Ransomware Series, we’ll examine deception technology, how it has evolved, and how to tilt the odds in your favor to win the cybersecurity game.